I, (licensee name) solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the Constitution of the United States, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of an attorney and counselor at law to the best of my knowledge and ability. As an officer of the court, I will strive to conduct myself at all times with dignity, courtesy and integrity.
A friend forwarded to me this very interesting piece by Paul Rosenberg. Sociopathy is a very important subject, and one we should all be familiar with. Let's start with definitions, to be clear:
A sociopath is a person who lacks empathy. A psychopath is the same as a sociopath; it is just an older word. This term was more or less dropped when people started calling each other "psycho." Sociopaths very seldom become "psycho killers."
Why do I hate people that lie? ...because liars suck!
Being a liar is being a cheater in the game of life. How fun is it to play a video game against a player that your bullets just bounce off? AND, If they barely get you, ...you lose! It's rigged in such a way that you will never win, and always lose. Does that sound like fun? What if both players cheat and neither one can win or lose, ...bullets just bounce off both of them. Does that sound like a fun game to play? No. The cheater wants to play against someone who will play fair. That way, they will win and feel all superior to themselves, or whatever. BUT, they want you to think it's their great skill so they can gloat. You know, fuck off with that. Go find someone else to jerk-off on.
Legal rights to the soul of Christopher E. LaMont
Christopher E. LaMont - Full and complete legal rights to the immortal soul previously owned by Chris LaMont. Transfer of ownership is to be "as-is/buyer beware" as this soul is of very poor quality. All offers over $0.75 will be seriously considered.
Luke LaMont - Only one owner! This fresh, young soul has only ever had one owner. Property rights were transfered by the child's father to a trust, where it has remained for over twenty years. This soul has never been used and is in very good shape. Offers should be submitted without delay, as the soul is currently housed in a poor environment and decay is likely to begin.
Financing is available! Current rates as low as 1.98% (on approved credit). Offers should be made in writing and submitted along with a "good faith" deposit of $20,000.00 US, which will be refunded to non-wining bidders at the conclusion of the bidding process.
To be eligable for an Academy Award for best short, the film must have been shown at any one of a number of Academy selected festivals. Some of the festivals that have included nominations in the past, are listed below. More information can be found at the official website for the Academy Awards at www.oscars.org.
Most film festivals are scams! It's completely unreasonable that a corporate sponsored festival needs to charge more than a few dollars just to show your film, and more than a second-hand suit just to see it.
WARNING: Most of the 300-plus "film festivals" in North America are not really film festivals. They are screening events. They show a few films and tapes in a less-than-excellent venue and generally do very little for your film. A lot of scams are out there too... Some attempt to charge between $100 and $1,000 to "participate" in their so-called Independent Film Festival.