I Lost Your Film

Chris Lamont tells me that he may have "lost" my priceless and irreplaceable historic film collection.

Is that right, Chris? You think you lost it? AND,  ...you're sorry!?? ...is that correct?  Well, I'm sorry too Chris. I'm sorry that you couldn't be trusted to do one little thing, ...even when you back it with all your honor and integrity.

I'm not sorry for me though, if you lost my film. I'm sorry for you.  I'm sorry that you would be so greedy and stupid to be pulling this shit still after all these years.  And I'm sorry that you traded all the rights you have to everything, for my film collection.

But you did, ...so kiss it goodbye and send it on over!

Not that it matters, but WHEN do you think you "lost" my film?

 - You had it when I gave it to you.

 - You had it when you took off with, it and started running like a pussy.

 - You still had it two years later when I left to California for 5-6 months.

 - You had it when I came back and went to visit Greg at your parent's condo.

 - You had it when I came to your work (you were my waiter).

 - You had it in 2001 when Greg told you I was still asking about you.

 - And according to your only "friend" ...you still had it when I asked for it in 2005.

So, when do you think it was that it became "lost"? What IS your story? You lost it during the few days before you finally spoke to me almost twenty years later?

If you truly DID lose it, you should've stopped pretending to be "drifting away" and called to tell me the tragic news. I could've helped you look for it. Maybe we could've found it and then you wouldn't owe me almost two million dollars.  But oh well, ...sign your shit over.