Liars Suck

Why do I hate people that lie? ...because liars suck!


Being a liar is being a cheater in the game of life. How fun is it to play a video game against a player that your bullets just bounce off? AND, If they barely get you, lose!  It's rigged in such a way that you will never win, and always lose. Does that sound like fun? What if both players cheat and neither one can win or lose, ...bullets just bounce off both of them. Does that sound like a fun game to play? No.  The cheater wants to play against someone who will play fair.  That way, they will win and feel all superior to themselves, or whatever. BUT, they want you to think it's their great skill so they can gloat.  You know, fuck off with that. Go find someone else to jerk-off on.


How about poker? ...or some other game that involves money?


What do you do when you catch a cheater? You kick them out of the game, you never play with them again, you tell your friends so they don't waste their time, and perhaps you even exact some kind of revenge upon them. Right?  All us good people just want to have fun and a good time by happily playing our game right?


So how does that make liars cheaters in the game of life? Say your boss asks you how long it's going to take to complete a task. He's asking you because you really know your stuff.  You've been doing it a long time and your answer will probably be accurate. You evaluate the task, then give your boss the answer to the best of your knowledge. "two weeks" say.  You've completed that particular task a thousand times before and every time it takes two weeks. So you can say with pretty much certainty that that's how long it will take. If he does estimates based on your answer or scheduling, whatever, he will be able to make a good informed decision because you have shared your experience and knowledge with him. Right?


Until wait!  The owner's nephew or some other greasy little slime-ball comes along and says he can do it in "one week".  No he can't. You know that he can't.  He knows he can't. He's not even good at your job! He'll mess it up! It'll wreck the whole project and you'll end up having to clean up the mess and fix it! In the end it will end up taking "three weeks" and everyone will be mad. There will be lots of excuses and explanations and it will not be happy.


What happens every time? The little suck-ass works your boss, tells him whatever it takes, and get the task assigned to him! It all goes just as you predicted... you clean up the mess, have to do extra work, ...AND... GET BLAMED FOR THE TASK TAKING TO LONG!! Am I right?? Next thing you know, you're looking for a new job. Your ex-boss is the real loser, but the bottom line is that it wasn't fun for anyone.


 ...and what happens to the grease-ball nephew? He just goes on cheating his way through life thinking he's something he's not, and causing problems for everyone else along the way. All liars should have a tattoo on  their forehead so you know not to believe their bullshit.


If you are proud of who you are, and what you've done or tried to do, then there is never a reason to lie. Just tell it like it is, or keep quiet. Then accept your consequences.