What Do You Want From Me!?

Chris sounded like he was going to cry when he asked me what it is that I want from him.  As if it were this huge inconvenience for him to return my property or tell me anything about it, ...or where it's at.

Chris, let's start with talking about what you owe me. Or at least, let's talk about what you agreed to, alright?

1) The term of the agreement for you to "help" me "count and catalog" my priceless and irreplaceable historic film collection, was to be two days.

2) You agreed to pay me my full asking price of one million dollars, if for any reason, you failed to return my property. Now that was many, many, many, years ago. So of course, there's some late fees, finance charges, interest, inflation, and search & rescue fees. You can give a little on this one, ...so let's just call it a cool two-million dollars.

3) As collateral, you offered me your own life, the souls of your first two children, and the legal rights to everything in your life that you ever had or ever will have. In addition, you agreed to spend the rest of your life trying to replace my collection and make it up to me, ...if for any reason you failed to return my property.

4) Also, you made an additional (worthless) promise that I wouldn't have to chase after you, beg, or even ask for my property be returned.

Now, ...can you explain anything other than the fact that you're a shitbag?  Because being a shitbag isn't any kind of excuse.  Our deal stands.  Right now, everything you have belongs to me. I don't think it was a good decision for you, but it's the decision you made in an iron-clad/unbreakable deal. 

So, do you have my COMPLETE film collection?  Because if you do, I still want it returned to me.  AND if you don't have it, ...don't go telling me some bullshit story and trying to give me some bullshit excuse. Just sign your shit over.  All of it.  Everything you think you have any right to, you need to just transfer the title on over to me.  And then, get started on replacing my property per our agreement. (you fucking pissbag).

I think I've answered your question. I think a better question to you is, ...what are you offering me? You can start with a proper apology.